2023 Business Resiliency Series

The Business Series features workshops for increasing the capacity, resilience and sustainability of your farm business.

This event series showcases topics defined by our members. Become a member and work with us to promote sustainable farms.

Insurance for You


Your Farm Business 

Tuesday January 9, 2024 6:00 pm

View Royal Community Hall 

This interactive meeting will cover farmer and farm business insurance coverage for incorporated farm businesses, partnerships and sole proprietorships, farm vehicle insurance as well as personal insurance.

Bring your insurance policy, learn how to read it and ask informed questions!

Anna Warhurst and Sam Corcoran

Understanding your Cost of Production

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 5:30 pm


Gain tools and strategies for on-the-fly effective record keeping and decision making using crop yields, input records and other factors. Identify metrics and assess the opportunities to create effective cropping decisions, necessary pivots and efficiencies and profiting in order maintain a resilient business.

Kevin Allen

Understanding Your CRA Responsibilities

Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 6:00 PM

Location: TBA based on registration

Set up and engage accurate bookkeeping habits to complete and file your "Statement of farming income T2042"  return.  Sasha provides tips and tricks for success. Employer/Employee accounting requirements and . 

Sasha Kubicek